Firefox and Advertising sites...

I have noticed my browser becoming sluggish, bordering on inactive - this is Firefox 3.5.2 (mostly I notice it on Ubuntu's Firefox, but this is confirmed, definitely true for Fedora's Firefox too - worse: it seems to be doing lots of disk activity, slowing down the entire pc; killing site restores sanity...).

It's subtle - at first I thought it might be a memory leak, or a loop in Firefox, but I noticed that the weather page I usually keep open ( - if I kill the page, the responsiveness comes back, and the system monitor shows CPU cycles (pegged when this happens) fall immediately. It doesn't happen when you open intellicast; sometimes it happens in a few minutes (~15); sometimes after an afternoon. Because of this, I suspect it has something to do with javascript from an advertiser site (rather than something in the core intellicast site).

It's annoying. It's beyond annoying...


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